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Ibunda Ashraf Sinclair harus rela dikarantina usai berkunjung ke rumah BCL.
"But Umi is not saying 'good-bye'... Insya Allah i will see you and Noah, soon. Take care. We love you forever," ujar Dida.
Berikut postingan Dida selengkapnya;
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Alhamdulillah. Umi is back home in Malaysia now. In quarantine next 14 days before going home. Thank you for taking care of Umi, Bunga, for almost 3 months in your home. Syukur Alhamdulillah, Im grateful to spend so much time close to you and Noah and with your family too. To spend whole month of Ramadan, read Yasin together for Alm Ashraf, prayed together, sahur together and spent a most beautiful Eidil Fitri together. There was so much love for Alm Ashraf even he was not there but his presence was felt. Its time for Umi to spend time with Daddy, Aishah, Adam, Soraya, Aina, Yuna and Shahnaz for they have missed Umi very much too! But Umi is not saying 'good-bye'... InsyaAllah I will see you and Noah, soon. Take care. We love you forever.
A post shared by Khadijah A Rahman-Sinclair (@dida_sinclair) on
Diketahui sama seperti di Indonesia, penyebaran virus corona di Malaysia juga sangat mengkhawatirkan.
Menurut data, hingga Kamis (4/6/2020) Malaysia mencatatkan total kasus Covid-19 sebanyak 7.970 kasus.
Dimana 6.531 pasien sudah dinyatakan sembuh dan 115 pasien meninggal dunia.(*)
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