Prinsip diet 80/20 adalah 6 hari makan sehat, kemudian di hari ke 7 atau akhir pekan, kita boleh makan makanan enak.
Makanan sehat yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah makanan yang tidak mengalami banyak proses pengolahan, rendah lemak dan kalori, serta tinggi serat.
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Kita juga bisa menyesuaikan jadwal dalam seminggu dengan perencanaan diet 80/20. Misalnya, ketika ada acara keluarga atau diajak teman untuk hangout, maka kita dapat membuat hari tersebut menjadi ‘hari kebebasan’. Jadi tak perlu menolak ajakan teman atau keluarga untuk makan di luar.
Buktinya, seorang fitness influencer Briana Kathleen Shaffer berhasil menurunkan berat badan sebanyak 31 kg dalam waktu sekitar dua tahun, dari 2015 hingga 2017.
Lihat postingan ini di Instagram
I feel like it’s been awhile since I’ve talked about my weight loss journey so here it goes. ???? - Back in 2015, I was 70 lbs overweight. I had developed binge eating problems, depression, and lost every once of confidence that I had. I would go through the Taco Bell drive thru order 2 them in 2 seconds and then head home for dinner. I would sit in the parking lot and feel so empty eating my food. I thought it would make me feel better but afterwards I would feel sick to my stomach. My best friend died in 2012 and if affected everything for me. It ripped out my heart, punched me in the face, and robbed me of my happiness. I felt alone, empty, miserable. All I wanted to do was eat and feel sorry for myself. When people asked me where I was going in life..I didn’t know. I didn’t even want to be here. I struggled a lot. ???? - Flash forward, I have now lost 70 lbs and kept it off. I’m in the best shape of my life at 25. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. My mental health has skyrocketed. I now know I’m a badass b*tch haha that can do anything. I own a freaking corporation. ???? I have an amazing team, an incredible community that we’ve all built. I live by the beach with my high school sweetheart and the most adorable fur babies. I do what I love every single day. I feel empowered and fueled every single day. There isn’t a thing that I can’t handle. Next time you think you’re time you’re sitting on the floor crying wanting to give up..DON’T. Fix your crown and keep going. There’s nothing in this life that you can’t have. You have to be willing to work..and I really mean work. Do it for the right reasons. Make sure you’re heart is 100% in it. Go after whatever it is that you want and don’t stop fighting. It will get will fail, but hey that’s what makes it even more worth it. ????????????????
Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Briana Kathleen Shaffer (@brianakfitness) pada 10 Nov 2019 jam 3:59 PST
Dengan metode yang sama, katanya kepada Women's Health Magazine, Briana berhasil mempertahankan berat badannya hingga sekarang.
Namun, diet sehat saja belum cukup. Untuk mengencangkan tubuh dan membentuk otot, Briana juga berolahraga.
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Dia memulai perjalanan fitness-nya tahun 2015 dan memilih full body circuits di rumah. Alias, berolahraga yang melatih seluruh tubuh di rumah. Baru kemudian dia mulai berolahraga ke gym dengan pelatihan yang lebih serius dan terjadwal.